A custom made approach of executive coaching
Pléiades offers customized support, at the crossroads between consulting and coaching.
Coaching consists in catalyzing and implementing what allows to contribute to the performance
What is the collective coahing ?
Coaching consists in catalyzing and implementing what allows to contribute to the performance of the management team at the service of the company by proposing the most adapted modalities taking into account the specific context of the team.
- Management coaching is a confidential accompaniment of a management team in the concrete situations it faces.
- In addition to the strategic decisions it takes, the leadership team carries out its responsibilities in various ways: formulating a coherent detailed strategic vision, strengthening cohesion within the teams, mobilizing the company’s players, accompanying organizational changes, supporting changes in business lines through appropriate management, generating trust and commitment through its attitude and actions, etc.
Coaching consists in catalyzing and implementing what allows to contribute to the performance of the management team at the service of the company by proposing the most adapted modalities taking into account the specific context of the team
- Coaching allows the team to consciously choose its orientations and to support its movement through the actions undertaken; these actions are themselves reintegrated into the coaching action (reality feedback / feedback from the coach(es)).
- In no case does the coach replace the managers in their decisions.
Pre-requisite conditions towards a successful Management coaching de Direction
An explicit intervention framework
Thisi framework is based on :
- Dedicated working hours that are adapted and sufficient given the stakes of the coached board of directors:
- in sequence duration
- in number of sequences
- in sequence typology (design and working modalities)
- in work phase(s)
- Spaces favouring availability, reflexivity, and collective movement
- Spaces favouring availability, reflexivity, and collective movement
- A contract that binds the company and the coach around clear objectives
- Confidentiality of exchanges
- A strong commitment from everyone
Specificities of operational coaching
- A breakdown of the coaching objectives into tangible fields of application, chosen and assumed in co-responsibility by the management team.
- Guidance of the approach by coaching “on the job” of the following actors:
- The team leader for the strategic orientations, the framework for action, his particular role as leader of the management team, his commitment
- § A legitimate “in charge” person for the operational management of the approach and to specify/adjust it as the steps go along with the coach(es)
- Specific contributors for instruction of certain subjects on behalf of the collective (work sites identified as key)
- Maintaining the right rhythm / momentum over time to generate commitment and produce the expected results
- A process to be implemented, and support in its management