A custom made approach of advisory
Pléiades offers customized support, at the crossroads between consulting and coaching.
Our job is to accompany the manager and his organization
Our job
Our job is to accompany the manager and his organization, in projecting a vision, developing a strategy and implementing changes. We do so particularly in particular in decisive moments of the company’s growth development which address the governance, the organization, the culture and the modes of operation.
Attentive to your challenges and your specific needs, we strive to offer you a unique approach, aimed at creating the conditions for trust, at deploying our energies at the service of performance and allowing the emergence of a shared project.
By taking particular care in the articulation between individual and collective dynamics, we create the conditions for a cooperation where everyone is fully involved, giving full meaning to their commitment, and taking pleasure in working as a team.
We commit ourselves, step by step, to achieve concrete progress and tangible results.
Your strategy comes to life
To implement your strategy, we define with you and your management team short and medium-term objectives and propose a process to set the organization in motion.
We design the most appropriate approach taking into account your organization’s resources and driving forces and we support you in leading and facilitating it with your teams.
In this way, the collective acquires the means to be truly be the author of its solutions, thanks to listening, supporting and leading. As a counterpoint, each individual develops his or her capacity for initiative, his or her level of empowerment and commitment in the service of strong and lasting synergies.
The eminently flexible and tailor-made nature of our interventions translates into choices of content, working methods and types of animation allowing us to act as a catalyst for change.
Along the way, permanent adjustment is carried out in consultation with you.
A sustainable and concrete action
Over the course of our career and our interventions, we have developed methods and tools that are based on complementary references: strategic analysis, sociology of organizations, leadership and change theories, systemic approach, social psychology.
Our approach, shaped by experience, is acknowledged by our clients and partners, to develop sustainable collective and individual know-how, and to deliver performance and concrete results by fostering a climate of trust and serenity.